Toggle ItemBanners and Signs
The Campus Planning and Use Committee approves the placement of all exterior banners and signs throughout campus and authorizes their placement in pre-determined areas. Students and university personnel may not attach banners or signs in unauthorized areas or to trees, shrubbery, fences, poles or university facilities. All signs displayed in student activity areas must be scheduled through Campus Scheduling and be displayed on approved sign pedestals provided through BYUSA and the Grounds Department. Size and content of signs must be approved by the Wilkinson Student Center Administrative Services. Banners not approved will be removed from the campus at the owner’s expense. The University prohibits any commercial banners or signs on campus except as outlined in the Advertising/Selling/Soliciting Policy.
The University Traffic Office is responsible for traffic sign requests.
Extracted from Physical Facilities Policy in Electronic Handbook 16 April 2009
For information about using temporary exterior signage to direct people to your event, please see the Temporary Exterior Signage policy listed below.
Toggle ItemChurch Use of Facilities
Space Management coordinates all permanent shared space assignments for wards and stakes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (See Physical Facilities Policy, Church Use of University Facilities section.) Provo YSA wards and stakes assigned to meet on campus should contact the assigned stake building scheduler to reserve space for Sunday activities outside of regular, weekly church meetings. To reserve space for activities held on any other day of the week, they should contact Campus Scheduling to be directed to the appropriate scheduling entity.
Buildings not used for church meetings will not be open on Sunday. Those buildings used for church meetings will be locked at the end of scheduled activities. Buildings will not remain open and will not be unlocked to allow students to study on Sunday. (See Physical Facilities Policy, Building Lockup section.)
Sunday evening firesides (that are not “productions” as defined below) may be scheduled in BYU facilities with the appropriate department or stake that has jurisdiction over the relevant facility. Campus Scheduling can provide the necessary references for this scheduling. Labor-intensive “productions” may not be held in any BYU facilities on Sundays. The university defines “productions” as events which require more than the following:
- Audience seating
- A podium, modesty curtain, and row of chairs on the stage
- Two microphones—one on the podium and one for a musical performance (Note: no additional sound system may be brought in)
- Equipment that is standard in a ward or stake library (television, projector, etc.)
- A grand piano and organ
Firesides in the de Jong Concert Hall may be scheduled up to eight months in advance, by stake presidencies only, through the Arts Production Scheduling Office (HFAC Scheduling). HFAC Scheduling must be notified directly of setup plans no later than 14 working days prior to the fireside. Failure to make these advance arrangements may result in cancellation of the fireside.
Church-sponsored programs originating on a satellite network and regional and stake conferences are considered appropriate Sabbath activities and are the only exceptions to the policy prohibiting Sunday productions in BYU facilities. All other Church-sponsored productions may be held in the Wilkinson Student Center ballrooms and the de Jong Concert Hall on Tuesdays through Saturdays, as these facilities are available.
On Sunday, Provo YSA wards and stakes assigned to meet on campus shall have exclusive scheduling rights to all campus facilities other than the Marriott Center. Any requests for exceptions must be approved by the requesting organization’s line vice president.
Facility use after 7:00 p.m. on Monday evenings is designated for Provo YSA ward and stake family home evenings or other activities with the following guidelines:
- Requests for ward or stake use of facilities on a Monday night must be made by the bishop, the stake president, or one of the stake president’s counselors.
- Home evening activities or ward activities on a Monday night involving more than one individual family home evening group may be scheduled by the bishop but must also be approved by the stake president or one of his counselors.
- Stake president approval is not required when bishops request space for the first Monday night of each semester or for individual family home evening groups on other Monday nights.
- Wards and stakes should contact Campus Scheduling to be directed to the appropriate scheduling entity for the facilities they would like to use.
Extracted from Scheduling and Use of University Facilities Procedures in Electronic Handbook, 16 Dec 2019.
Toggle ItemDecorating Rules
Please read the following guidelines carefully. They are given to ensure safety and to assist in proper planning for decorating campus facilities. It is important that you have a safe and pleasant experience. We want your event to be a success and will do all we can to assist.
Because it is important to maintain excellent condition of our campus facilities and equipment, your complete cooperation is needed. If you have any questions concerning these instructions, please contact Campus Scheduling at 3371 WSC or 801-422-3134.
- The FINAL decorating plan must get approval from Campus Scheduling (for the WSC) or from the head custodian (for all other buildings) at least one week prior to the event.
- Floor plans must be submitted to Campus Scheduling at least one week in advance.
- Due to the heavy use of campus facilities, decorations must be removed immediately following each function. Campus buildings cannot accept responsibility for any decorations or belongings left after any event.
- Furniture may not be moved without supervision of the building custodian.
- Custodians will oversee all sets, displays, etc.
- Tacks, nails, adhesive tape, masking tape, scotch tape, painter's tape, etc., may not be used on walls, windows, doors, floors, or any other part of the building. “Plasti-Tak” or some other form of non-residue adhesive may be used instead.
- Decorations must be ready to display before they are moved into the building. Any large articles must be brought in through the building loading docks.
- Heavy articles may be hung only with the permission of the custodian in charge. Nothing may be hung from any ceilings or lights.
- Ladders may be used for decorating (see building custodian), but groups may not stand on table tops or chairs.
- The State of Utah Fire Code prohibits the use of hay, straw, corn-stalks, or any highly flammable materials, or dry tinder in any of the campus facilities. Fresh Christmas trees must be treated with retardant. Gasoline engines are also prohibited.
- Open-burning candles or liquid-fueled decorations are not permitted in any campus facilities.
- Smoke/fog machines are not permitted in the WSC because they will trigger the fire alarm sensors.
- The use of an open flame in any and all performances of the entertaining arts at BYU, whether campus or touring groups, must be under the supervision and direction of the Campus Safety Office.
- Tables and booths may not be used within the corridors (except in areas already approved by the Safety Office), on the grounds that no highly flammable or combustible material is allowed in the corridor (Uniform Fire Code, Article 12). Concourses are often not wide enough to meet the required exit space if tables and booths are present.
- Campus ecclesiastical leaders are responsible to ensure that wards and stakes comply with these guidelines.
- Helium balloons must be anchored down if used. The fire alarm sensors can be triggered by loose balloons floating to the ceiling. A fine will be charged if the alarm is set off.
- Small particles, such as glitter and confetti, are not to be used as decorations. An extra cleaning fee will be assessed for use of these materials.
- Red punch or any other refreshment that stains is prohibited.
- Please work with Campus Scheduling on other specific requests. We will try to accommodate your needs as much as possible.
Toggle ItemExam Preparation and Final Examination Days
Campus Scheduling schedules classrooms during the exam preparation day. Class Scheduling schedules classrooms during final examination days. Events that may be scheduled on these days include the following:
- Optional student and class review sessions
- Ward and stake activities after 9:00 p.m. (exam preparation day only)
- Nationally administered tests
- Final examination exceptions approved by the relevant associate academic vice president
- Other university events that do not involve students
Except as described immediately below regarding NCAA and extramural (or club) sports, campus space may not be scheduled during the exam preparation day and final examination days for the following:
- Required class review sessions
- Early final examinations (except for languages, MBA, IPM, and Law courses)
- Club meetings
- Social activities
- Any gatherings involving students that are not specifically for review or study of the semester’s academic work
NCAA and extramural or club sports (including practices, competitions, and team meetings) should be avoided during the days allotted to final examination preparation and administration. However, campus facilities may be scheduled on these days for these activities when outside entities responsible for competition schedules (e.g., athletic conferences, NCAA) are unable to accommodate BYU’s academic calendar. In these instances, requests made to schedule campus facilities during days allotted for final examination preparation and administration must be made to Campus Scheduling by the office of the athletics director (for NCAA sports) and the Dean of Students Office (for extramural or club sports).
The academic vice president, in consultation with the relevant line vice president, will review and approve any exceptions to academic scheduling for exam preparation day and final examination days. See Final Examination Policy.
Extracted from Scheduling and Use of University Facilities Procedures in Electronic Handbook, 16 Dec 2019.
Toggle ItemGuidelines for Bishops
Welcome to the Ernest L. Wilkinson Student Center (WSC). There are sixteen wards meeting in the WSC; twelve from the Provo YSA 2nd Stake and four from the Provo YSA 17th Stake. These guidelines are designed to help church leaders and members take full advantage of the resources available in the WSC. Please provide any feedback or suggestions to a member of the Provo YSA 2nd Stake Presidency (Agent Stake) or to the WSC Support Services Office, 801-422-3111.
1. Building Coordinator (BC). Due to the heavy use of the WSC throughout each day of every week, there is a BC on duty during most building open hours. The BC represents full-time building management. For assistance with WSC issues, the BC can be reached by calling their cell phone at 801-592-0634.
2. Interview Offices. Each YSA ward is assigned, by university policy, two interview offices. These assigned offices are available for exclusive church use on Tuesday nights from 6:00pm until 11:00pm and all day Sundays from 6:00am until 8:00pm. Use of assigned interview offices at any other time should be coordinated with the University employee who occupies the office during the weekday.
3. WSC Building Hours. The WSC opens every day of the week at 6:00am. The building closes Monday through Thursday at 11:00pm; Friday at midnight; Saturday at 11:30pm; and, Sunday at 8:00pm. Bishops are encouraged to conduct all church business in the WSC during building hours. If a special need arises which requires a bishop to stay in the WSC after the building closes, bishops should notify the BC in advance. After the WSC closes, bishops should exit the building only by one of five doors, each at a main building exit labeled, “After-Hours Exit.”
4. Security. All offices and suites should be locked when unoccupied. When interviews are held in offices inside a suite, a ward member should be assigned to monitor the suite and should be stationed at the entrance to the suite to control access and to protect materials and equipment not belonging to the ward.
5. Interview Office Furnishings/Equipment/Supplies. Telephones may be used to conduct local church business. Long distance service is available for church business with an assigned FAC code. Computers, computer jacks, printers, copy machines, paper and other office equipment /supplies are not to be used by ward members. If furnishings are rearranged to accommodate ward needs, the furnishings should be put back as they were originally found. Please keep all ward materials secured inside assigned file cabinet or storage closet. Please do not allow ward materials to accumulate on top of or outside of assigned file cabinet.
6. Sunday Meeting Set-Up/Clean-Up. The WSC Set-up Crew will place racks of chairs in each Sacrament, Sunday School, Relief Society and Priesthood meeting room. The first ward and the last ward to use these rooms on Sunday are assigned, respectively, to set up chairs before meetings and to place chairs back on the racks when meetings are completed. Other equipment, such as risers and podiums, are set up and taken down by the WSC Set-up Crew. If ward members rearrange sofas, tables and/or chairs in suites or lounge areas of the WSC for meetings, members should return the furniture as it was originally found.
7. Hymnbooks. Each Sacrament meeting room has an assigned hymnbook cart. The hymnbooks on this cart are to be used by ward members for Sacrament Meeting and other block meetings as desired. The hymnbook cart may be moved to rooms needed but must be returned to the Sacrament Meeting room at the conclusion of the block of meetings. At the end of the block of meetings, ward members should place hymnbooks back on the cart. At the end of the day, the WSC Set-up Crew will put the hymnbook carts away. If hymnbook carts are used for tithing envelopes or other handouts, that material should be removed at the end of the block of meetings. Periodically, WSC Support Services personnel will remove anything other than hymnbooks from the hymnbook carts.
8. Audio-Visual Equipment. IT Services provides microphones in each Sacrament meeting room according to the WSC Sunday Meeting Plan. IT Services are informed of changes in meetings due to stake conferences, combined meetings, etc. Overhead projectors, TV’s, DVD players and microphones for any Sunday meetings should be scheduled by ward leaders with AV Delivery at 801-422-4071. OIT receives an appropriation from the Church to cover the cost of the labor and equipment for Sunday use during meeting block times and stake conferences. Individual wards and stakes are not charged for use of OIT equipment at those times. Wards and stakes will be charged directly for use of OIT equipment at times other than regular meeting block times and stake conferences.
9. Scheduling Meetings. Regular ward Sunday meeting times and locations are assigned by WSC Support Services, Campus Space Management and the Provo YSA 2nd Stake Presidency. Due to a limited number of available meeting rooms, each ward will be assigned a maximum of four Sunday School meeting rooms. To schedule a room in the WSC for a meeting on Sunday, other than the regular meeting block, call the Provo YSA 2nd Stake Scheduler. To schedule a room in the WSC on any other day of the week, call Campus Scheduling at 801-422-3134. Please be aware that Sacrament Meetings are held in the rooms on both sides of Room 3222 and, occasionally, in Rm 3211, which is next to Rm 3223. Sound carries between these rooms. Please be considerate when scheduling Rm 3222 or 3223 for choir practice, etc., so that Sacrament Meetings are not disturbed.
10. Changes in Regular Sunday Meeting Schedules. There are several Sundays during the year, when changes are made to regular Sunday meeting schedules due to combining meetings for semester breaks, stake conferences, or WSC renovations. Stake and Ward leaders will be notified of these changes in time to make announcements in Sunday meetings the week prior.
11. Keys. Keys to interview offices, file cabinets, and storage closets, are issued by the Key Office in the Brewster Physical Plant Building. Each ward is issued five keys; one for the bishop, one for each counselor, one for the ward clerk, and one for the ward executive secretary. The Key Office does not require a key deposit. If a key is lost, e-mail chad_brimley@byu.edu or church@byu.edu , with the key hook number and the copy number which is stamped on the key, and the Key Office will replace the key without charge. The Physical Plant has a church fund to cover the cost of keys. If a bishop wants more than five keys for his ward, an email should be sent to chad_brimley@byu.edu justifying why another key is needed. Problems with keys not working properly in keyways may be reported to chad_brimley@byu.edu or WSC Support Services at 801-422-3111.
12. Custodial. Please ask ward members to pick up papers, flyers, etc. after the Sunday block of meetings. Please ask members to clean up rooms after they have been used for ward activities. Adhesive/duct/masking tape and thumb tacks should never be used to place posters or signs on sheetrock walls or woodwork. Easels or poster stands may be scheduled through Campus Scheduling.
13. Fire Alarms. If a fire alarm occurs in the WSC, all ward members should immediately evacuate the building by the closest exit. Three members of each ward’s Elder’s Quorum should be assigned to report to the area in front of Jamba Juice where the Building Coordinator (BC) will have them assist in evacuating the building. If the area in front of Jamba Juice is unsuitable for assembling, the back-up location will be 50 ft. outside the north main entrance to the WSC.
14. Accidents/Injuries. If an ecclesiastical leader becomes aware that any individual is injured while in or near the WSC, please contact the Building Coordinator (BC) immediately. The BC is responsible to see that appropriate emergency services/medical attention is obtained and that a required Accident/Injury Report is completed for the University’s Risk Management Office.
15. Pianos. There is a piano located in most of the meeting rooms in the WSC. If a piano is needed in another room, please schedule it with Campus Scheduling at 801-422-3134. Ward members should not lift pianos from the floor to risers/stages or from risers/stages to the floor. Pianos are regularly tuned four times each year.
16. Mechanical Folding Doors. These large doors, used to divide larger meeting rooms, may be opened or closed by contacting the BC. The process requires two individuals, each with a key, who must work together for safety reasons.
17. Food in the WSC on Sundays. Meals or food for a church group activity or for a Break-The-Fast and firesides in the WSC on Sundays are permitted for only the wards meeting in the WSC. No cooking is permitted within the WSC. Please ask ward/stake members to help clean up.
18. Ward/Stake Storage. Each ward belonging to the Provo YSA 2nd Stake is provided a storage closet and one four-drawer file cabinet. Each ward belonging to the Provo YSA 17th Stake is provided one four-drawer file cabinet. These storage areas should be cleaned once each year. Food items, flammable, and paint materials should not be stored in these storage areas.
19. Sacrament Trays. Each ward is responsible to provide their sacrament trays. Six bread and six water trays are stored in the storage closet of each ward of the 2nd Stake. Wards belonging to the 17th Stake should also have their own trays but may use the trays located in Rm 3271 or 2070A. There is also a file cabinet of sacrament trays behind the curtain on the East Ballroom stage for use by the wards meeting in the East Ballroom.
20. Problems. Problems with furniture set-up, room temperature, keys, sound system, etc., should be reported to the BC or to the Stake Physical Facilities Representative.
Updated 15 Oct 19
Toggle ItemMonday Night
Facility use after 7:00 p.m. on Monday evenings is designated for Provo YSA ward and stake family home evenings or other activities with the following guidelines:
- Requests for ward or stake use of facilities on a Monday night must be made by the bishop, the stake president, or one of the stake president’s counselors.
- Home evening activities or ward activities on a Monday night involving more than one individual family home evening group may be scheduled by the bishop but must also be approved by the stake president or one of his counselors.
- Stake president approval is not required when bishops request space for the first Monday night of each semester or for individual family home evening groups on other Monday nights.
- Wards and stakes should contact Campus Scheduling to be directed to the appropriate scheduling entity for the facilities they would like to use.
Extracted from Scheduling and Use of University Facilities Procedures in Electronic Handbook, 16 Dec 2019.
Toggle ItemTemporary Exterior Signage
Exterior temporary signage is defined as any advertising or directional signage placed outside of a building in a location other than designated, schedulable advertising fixtures. The intent of this signage should be to direct people to an event happening that day, not to advertise for future events.
Groups wishing to use temporary signage must receive approval from their line vice president or that vice president’s designee. The approver will:
- Verify that the requesting group is a BYU organization
- Approve the content of the advertising (no honor code or other concerns)
- Ensure that the following guidelines for temporary signage are understood
- Upon approval, a sticker initialed by the approver will be affixed to the front, lower left-hand side of the poster with the date the sign is approved to be posted written clearly on the sticker
If approved, multi-day events may leave their signs in place for the duration of the event, Monday through Saturday. Similarly, events taking place on sequential days (for example, baseball games on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) may receive approval to leave a sign up for those dates, Monday through Saturday. The approval sticker will clearly indicate the start and end date for multi-day approvals. All temporary signs must be removed by end of day Saturday.
Groups may place one sign in each of the designated locations indicated on the map provided to the approvers. Temporary signage may not be set up until the day of the event, as indicated on the approval sticker, and must be removed by the end of that day. The sponsoring organization is responsible for setting up and removing temporary signs.
Signs should not obstruct primary thoroughfares or stairs. If individuals are consistently having to avoid the sign, it should be moved further away from primary walkways.
Signs should be professional looking and must be firmly affixed to an A-frame style sign. Loose fliers attached to a plastic A-frame sign or other types of temporary signage are not allowed. Plastic A-frames may be rented from the BYU Sign Shop or groups may purchase and utilize their own.
Lawn signs are not generally permitted; however, Athletics and the summer Farmer’s Market are permitted to use lawn signs in front of Miller Park or LaVell Edwards Stadium to advertise for their events in those locations only. Lawn signs may also be posted in front of the Ellsworth Building to advertise for surplus sales. These signs may only be posted the day of the event unless approved for multiple days.
Grounds will remove any signs found not following these guidelines including, but not limited to, signs outside of approved locations, signs interfering with pedestrian thoroughfares, signs left beyond the approved date(s), or multiple signs for the same event in one location.
Groups who have approval to hold an event in an outdoor location may place temporary signage in that location only for the duration of their event. These signs should not block emergency vehicle access on roads or sidewalks, should not block pedestrian access to or egress from any building on campus, or impede pedestrian traffic. These signs should be removed immediately following the event.
Directional signage for parking will be placed at the discretion of University Police. This signage should be professional looking and utilize A-frame or similar signs.
The portable Olympic banner frames may continue to be used for the following, previously approved groups:
- BYUSA Elections (2 weeks)
- Choose to Give (1 week)
- Education Week (1 week)
- Homecoming
- New Student Orientation (3 days)
- One Stop (2 weeks per semester)
- Women’s Conference (3 days)
- University Conference
- Shuttle Services
- Department of Special Events.
Any request for an exception to these guidelines must be approved by the Campus Planning and Use Committee.
Approved by President's Council, August 2019
Toggle ItemUniversity Scheduling Policy
View the University Scheduling Policy.
Toggle ItemUCC Clubs
Clubs Night
Tuesday nights, 7pm-10pm, are designated as Clubs Night in the WSC during fall and winter semesters. Clubs wishing to set up a regular, weekly meeting in the WSC will make arrangements through the BYUSA Clubs Office. Rooms are available either 7:00pm-8:30pm or 8:30pm-10:00pm.Who may schedule club events?
Only clubs listed on https://clubs.byu.edu/ with the status of “Active” will be permitted to schedule. The club advisor or any club officers, as listed on https://clubs.byu.edu/ may request space for club meetings or activities.Weekly Club Meetings or Practices
During fall and winter semesters, clubs may schedule one room for a regular, weekly meeting throughout the semester.For regular meeting space in the WSC, see instructions for Clubs Night above. Clubs wishing to book a regular, weekly meeting in an academic classroom may contact Campus Scheduling after the add/drop deadline for the semester to book a room for that semester only.
During spring and summer terms, club meetings and practices may be scheduled up to one week in advance by contacting Campus Scheduling.
Club Activities
Clubs activities other than regular weekly meetings and practices require additional approvals. Clubs may contact Campus Scheduling to secure a location for events during the current semester. The space will be held, pending the required approvals. Once the activity is listed on https://clubs.byu.edu/ as approved, Campus Scheduling will confirm the reservation. Event requests that are that are not approved prior to the date of the event will be cancelled.Clubs will generally only be able to schedule for the current semester.
Club scheduling is limited to official club meetings and events
Club officers may not schedule space on behalf of other clubs, campus organizations (including classes), off-campus organizations, or individuals.